For the 2023-24 School Year: This online form must be completed for all students attending The Summit School who are taking prescribed medication, whether at home or in school, or may need to receive emergency medication (EpiPen, inhaler, etc.). Please complete this online form before August 4. Having this information early in our planning is especially important. Thank you.
For children who must receive medication in school administered by our school nurse, you must also download and print our Medication Form [PDF] for your physician to complete, sign and return to the school nurse (contact info below) before August 18. A parent must also sign the Medication Form to provide permission to the school to follow their physician’s instructions. Medication can only be administered at school with signed instructions.
Asterisk (*) indicates a required form field. An email-based reference copy of the form information will be sent to the person submitting the form once processed by Summit’s administrative team. If more than one child attends Summit, a separate form must be completed for each child.
Upper School:
Lucy Ware, RN
School Nurse
The Summit School
187-30 Grand Central Parkway
Jamaica Estates, NY 11432
Telephone 718-264-2931 x217
Lower School:
Marisa Tanzi, LPN
School Nurse
The Summit School
183-02 Union Turnpike
Flushing, NY 11366
Telephone 718-969-3944, Ext. 318